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1.學習與人交際,並培養耐心,細心,專業的服務態度,學習門市經營模式 7-11便利商店:門市內所陳列的商品販售,商品預購與宅急便服務,網路取貨與退貨服務,門號申辦服務,影印傳真等顧客服務等等
萊爾富中縣中溪店 萊爾富便利商店為光泉關係企業,是第一家國人自營的便利商店連鎖系統,於民國七十九年成立,十數 年來萊爾富以「鄉土情-世界觀的經營理念,在美日系統便利商店林立的市 場中,開發出屬於自己的一片天空。 萊爾富便利商店全年無休、明亮的燈光照亮每個街頭巷尾,我們服膺熱忱、積極、嚴謹、創新的經營理念,不斷引進國內外優良商品,致力於為顧客追求優質的生活;並且貢獻通路力量,協助公益團體、配合各項公共服務事業,讓萊爾富透過商品販售服務,成為社區的一份子和便利生活不可或缺的幫手。 熱忱-以人為先、以顧客為本的服務精神。 積極-勤奮務實、勇於任事的工作精神。 嚴謹-誠懇樸實、實事求是的工作態度。 創新-不斷思考以求提供最新、最好、最快的服務和產品給顧客。 完整商品線,創意販售 萊爾富提供4000多種各式生活食品、用品、出版品,及各項代收、代售、兌換活動等服務,另以型錄預購、電子賣場及Life-ET等多元販售管道,在有限店舖空間,發揮無限商品,以創造、滿足消費者全面的生活需求。 引領消費需求,創意販售 萊爾富除了滿足消費者生活上的需求外,更積極的將行銷創意化為可執行的活動方案,藉由門市熟練、貼心的服務與長期培養的在地情感,將行銷理念傳遞至每一位顧客的心底。 開創自營品牌,獨樹一幟 藉由POS系統對消費情報的搜集,了解、分析消費者的嗜好,以製販同盟的合作模式,共同開發高品質且具有特色的產品,以積極扮演消費者[家庭廚房]的角色,提供24小時的便利鮮食產品 保持商品鮮度,強化鮮食安全 萊爾富為提供產品品質保證,近年來積極、持續的在各鮮食協力廠商推動食品安全管制制度(HACCP),並鼓勵廠商對各項單品申請CAS優良食品標章。同時也致力於加強出廠管理與食品檢測配送安全,力求全程恆溫管控商品鮮度,俾使消費者更安心、更安全享用新鮮美食
認識我們:金陽水泥製品公司 舉凡水泥製品,貨真價實,自製沒有通過經銷商, 價格低廉,各類水泥製品,如:預購水溝蓋板、 路緣石、污水入孔、陰井、圍籬柱、化糞
公司成立時間:1999成立 7-ELEVEN善於挖掘消費者潛在需求,從「便利」的核心概念出發,不論是首創24小時營業的購物型態、推出代收服務、ATM提款機;或是深耕鮮食產業,推行預購產品、自有品牌,充分展現7-ELEVEN強大的商品力,創造市場新典範。 為提供消費者多樣化、多選擇的商品服務,7-ELEVEN每二週即有新商品上市,各式流行、暢銷商品應有盡有,為不斷強化商品結構,除了以國際採購方式,獨家引進國外暢銷商品,也透過製販同盟模式全力發展自有品牌,不僅在品質上嚴格把關,同時強調注重「設計」質感,以優良的品質及設計美感呈現商品價值,提供兼具價值與質感的商品,顛覆了消費者對通路自有品牌原有的印象。 透過飯糰、便當、壽司、三明治等產品的推出,7-ELEVEN跨足鮮食產業,採用比國家標準還嚴苛的規定,不添加防腐劑,所有供應商都是經過政府認定核可的 GMP、CAS及HACCP優良廠 商,更以「QC 200%」、一日二配、保證鮮度的概念嚴格要求每個製程,不但帶動台灣整體鮮食產業升級,也一舉提升台灣外食市場的衛生與品質水準。
統一超商致力強化鮮食與顧客服務的商品力以突顯差異化,結合御便當、御飯 糰、速食、甜點,以及代收業務、電子商務、預購、資訊產品、ATM、City Cafe、 WiFlY、ibon 經營等各項生活機能,建構消費者生活中心,引領新優質生活新型 態。滿足消費者全方位需求的經營績效,更是反映在毛利率的成長上。統一超商 致力於正派穩健經營、服務與產品品質的提升及用心打動消費者的心,所建立起 的品牌形象優勢,已與消費者建立強大的信賴感及忠誠度,公司致力於產品與服 務的創新,不斷推出高品質、高便利、滿足消費需求的新產品,亦帶領新的消費 行為與生活型態,積極進駐每一個不方便的空間,縮短與消費者的距離,提供消 費者每一分、每一秒的便利,台灣7-ELEVEN 店數已超越3500 家,遍及台灣地 區與外島;亦是全台擁有最多ATM 機器(2,000 台)的零售通路商;更結合實體與 虛擬的銷售通路,全方位滿足消費者生活上的一切需求。
Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
Ernst Rudolf Erni founded the company in Switzerland in 1947. In 1956, ERNI began manufacturing electromechanical components in Adelberg, Germany. In 1968, ERNI Electronics GmbH became the world’s first manufacturer of backplane connectors that complied with the new standard DIN 41612. The new standard DIN 41612 has evolved into the most widely accepted standard for industrial printed-circuit board connectors in the world. Today, ERNI is the leading supplier of 2mm HM connectors and HM-ZD high-speed connectors. ERNI has established its Asian headquarter in Singapore since 1996 and opened up sales offices in major cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul and Bangalore. 1999 - Set up Taiwan Representative Office 2000 - Set up Korea Representative Office 2001 - ERNI started third party manufacturing in China & Taiwan 2002 - Set up Shenzhen Representative Office 2003 - Set up Shanghai Representative Office 2004 - Set up Beijing & Japan Representative Office; Increase design in capabilities & capacities 2007 - Set up India Representative Office 2009 - Set up Thailand Representative Office
We are a high-tech Wireless system integrator and manufacture established at Taipei City Neihu District, TAIWAN in 1996,Engaging in the Wireless Media business of product development, technical service and providing product planning, design, manufacturing service, and integration in the fields of all digital audio broadcasting equipments including DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting) HD, XM: Satellite Radio MPB,VOIP electronics, and total solution for worldwide valuable branded customers. Cooperated with many design houses in the States , We leading the technology in doing the Research & Development of Wireless Media products, we announced the first one HD radio among all the other manufactures, also we achieved the equivalent product manufacturing quality compared to excellent manufactures in the world. With our Core Competences and Consistent Commitments to our partner customers, our experienced R&D team come from all relevant RF background with doctor and bachelor degree, Our shareholders are mainly from local stock listed company groups. With flexible manufacturing facility including Printed Circuit Board , SMT, Antenna, assembling line were also dedicated to all to the valuable customers. We wish to play an outstanding role as a value added supplier to our customer in the Wireless Media areas.
..品牌簡介.. 美式休閒風格,創始於2007年的台灣品牌,以新型態的不受拘束的創意發想模式來呈現自家作品 就宛如身處於叢林之中的游擊小隊,沒有特定規則,只求精準確實,這也是SQUAD團隊的製作準則,而SQUAD標準倒三角圖形,以象徵著其商品規劃包括:衣著、褲款、外套、帽類、配件、鞋類、飾品......等全方位的服飾系列。 ..經營理念.. SQUAD Co., Ltd 史考特國際有限公司創立於 2007年,是一家專業潮流服飾品牌。 公司經過四年時期的考驗,目前營業成績朝向積極穩定的方向前進,由於獨特的設計與理念,在台灣深獲廣大消費族群的認可,除訂單接獲量有一定水平的保障之外,在全省各地更獲得眾多店家與廠商極力的邀約合作,公司計劃在未來逐步建立起屬於自己的品牌形象,並積極擴增現有的展店規模,在台灣打穩經營根基,並且將市場拓展至海外版圖,朝向國際化之目標發展,目前已在 2010年至香港海港城購物中心設立直營專櫃。憑著紮實的根基,穩健的步調,未來本公司將繼續順應潮流,引領時代,並以永不放棄、追求極限為指標,追求卓越以滿足客戶為理念,使公司內部能做出更有效之分工,公司經營上能追求更有效率之管理。期望將台灣流行服飾產業架構予以整合以創造出更大的利潤,進一步創造出更輝煌的佳績。
TomLong was established in 2004, first as a trading company. The company was primarily involved in the buy-and-sell of TPU resin, film, coated fabrics and TPU-related finished products. With our extensive knowledge in TPU manufacturing and application, we also provided consultation to new TPU users. Due to the high demand of TPU-coated fabrics and a lack of qualified laminators in Taiwan and the rest of Asia, TomLong put together a group of experienced engineers and constructed the new laminating factory in 2005 in order to concentrate full-time in TPU lamination. Although the company hasn’t long history, the members of the engineering team have been engaged in the TPU/PU coating laminating production for more then fifteen years. Some core members came from Na Ya Plastic, the largest plastic company in Taiwan; others came from Coating Chemical, a well-known TPU resin and PU base-adhesive manufacturer. Due to the rich integration of our previous experience, TomLong is able to specialize in waterproof / breathable coating and TPU film lamination. Thanks to our array of diverse, high-quality products, we have been successful in the outdoors, medical, marine and many other industries.
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